The newest pictures are found on the top and the older on the bottom.

African Princess
Yesss...this rocks! I finally drew something real that looks good! Right on, right on!
Trying a different style. Doing it like the Ancient Egyptians. This is a picture of Heru-neb-aakhut...what...? You mean you want to know what that means in English??? Oh...well ok. It says Horus, Lord of the Horizon. He is the god of the sun and pharoahs.
Electricity Dragon
As soon as I get time to get my lazy bum into our computer coloring program, I'll color this. It's supposed the be an electricity dragon...but you can't tell that because it's just a pencil sketch!
My kittie posed for a quick sketch.
Sonic the hedgehog with crappy computerized coloring.
Lara Croft
Well...it's not Japanese anime...it's Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. Didn't quite know where to put this picture...so here will do.
The Goddess Within
Playing around with something that wasn't anime. This was actually a model for a anti-perspirant ad.
Model Head 3
Do you know those ads in magazines that say "Draw this at a certain height and we'll give you an art scholorship"? This is one of those ads from a magazine in the 40's. It's Saaaaanta!
Model Head 2
Do you know those ads in magazines that say "Draw this at a certain height and we'll give you an art scholorship"? This is one of those ads from a magazine in the 40's. Doesn't she look like Hillary Clinton?
Model Head 1
Do you know those ads in magazines that say "Draw this at a certain height and we'll give you an art scholorship"? This is one of those ads from a magazine in the 40's.